Series: -
Volume: 1/1Publisher: Self-Published
Genre/s: MM Contemporary Romance
Length: -
Read in: English
Review copy format: epub
Despite his young age, Jag went through his private hell that left some non-healing wounds on his psyche. In order not to go crazy and keep his hard-won freedom, the boy needs to constantly run away from his family whose tentacles reach really far and wide. If they catch him, they will start to tighten up on him again and try to deprive him of everything he won with such difficulty.
Another stop on his way without a specific destination also means another job. This time the boy is lucky enough, because Heaven and Hell, a gay nightclub, offers him some really attractive terms of employment. Jag starts working as a pole dancer, being aware that in a few months he will have to leave and change his place of residence once again. Unfortunately, things get complicated when feelings start to arise between him and Michael, the club's owner.
Another stop on his way without a specific destination also means another job. This time the boy is lucky enough, because Heaven and Hell, a gay nightclub, offers him some really attractive terms of employment. Jag starts working as a pole dancer, being aware that in a few months he will have to leave and change his place of residence once again. Unfortunately, things get complicated when feelings start to arise between him and Michael, the club's owner.
My review of "Broken" I would like to start with a rather mundane, but undoubtedly quite interesting topic, which is a pole dancing. Let's be honest, although the popularity of this kind of dance increases in sport and entertainment, many people still see it only as something negative. I will not deny that this is the reason why I really like that Colette Davison made pole dancing her characters' profession, as well as showed it from two different sides. On the one hand, she introduced it "innocently" as an ordinary sport, physical activity. On the other, the more "naughty" one, as a sexual entertainment in a nightclub. However, while according to some people this second approach to this topic can only be associated with rather humiliating work that doesn't fit decent citizens, Colette Davison tells her readers that the pole dancing and striptease don't mean anything bad. What's more, the author refers in her novel to this aesthetic, seductive side of this dance. Note that in the past people had seen tango as something bad too, and now it is considered to be extremely beautiful and intimate. In "Broken" the pole dancing was presented in a similar way, not as something dirty, scandalous, but as an aesthetically beautiful form of art.
There is no doubt that "Broken" is a novel full of advantages. But, if I were to indicate the one that I think is the most important, it would be a subject of conversion therapy. The author in her novel in a very thoughtful way that fits the plot perfectly managed to weave into Jag and Michael's story information about the "therapy", some precise examples of the methods it uses, as well as possible consequences of this kind of brainwashing. I admit that "Broken" is the first book I've read, which raises the subject of this kind of "therapy" to such an extent. This is all the more important as every day in the real world we meet people who think that homosexuality requires treatment and who are open to the idea of trying out this "therapy" on another person. Thus, there are also people, very often the young ones, who suffer from the tortures of being "treated" because of being themselves. It is worth noting that in a certain way "Broken" sensitizes the readers to this problem and makes them aware of its threat. I admit that I really loved the fact that Colette Davison bravely raised this point. She is one of the few people who do it.
Let's get to the little lighter subject. In "Broken" the importance of the fact that the characters' paths crossed is shown in an extremely romantic and charming way. In the end, until that moment, Jag and Michael had been convinced that they didn't need anything more from life than what they had at that time. And yet their meeting and evolving acquaintance opened their eyes and gave them the opportunity to look at life from a different angle. I find this motif really beautiful because to a large extent it affects the romanticism mentioned at the beginning of this paragraph. Is it even possible to imagine something more charming than the moment when two people realize that they feel something special for each other and they can't imagine coming back to their life without this unique person who changed their everyday existence by their very presence? What is equally important, in this manner the author also shows us the emotional way the protagonists go through during their evolution. For they are not the same throughout the entire novel, but they change under the influence of events that happen and people they meet.
Finally, I would like to mention that Colette Davison in her novel gave us a great insight into the characters' psyche, emotions and their evolution. She doesn't focus only on good or bad emotions, but on everything that creates Jag and Michael in the psychological and emotional terms. It is also worth saying that the author has taken up very important topics of fear of being found and running away from a toxic family that affect the protagonists, their feelings, and finally stimulate their inner evolution. It is impossible to forget that thanks to the manner in which Jag and Michael are created, we have the opportunity to fall in love with them even deeper, and to open ourselves to them as if they were real, living people. Thanks to this, Colette Davison's characters are very deep, multidimensional and thus beautiful. The readers give them their hearts and don't really expect to have them back one day.
In summary, "Broken" is an incredibly valuable novel and in many respects extremely beautiful one. It shows the destructive influence of the dumb actions of people with closed minds, the healing and beneficial effects of love and the path full of struggle that one must follow to change the bleeding wounds of the psyche into scars. It's an electrifying tale that falls in the memory and to which we want to come back many times.
Headcanon: Michael sometimes dances for Jag when he wants to make him happy, for example, for his birthday.
Fanfiction idea: Michael and Jag organize their own private pole dance competition. Originally, Jag was just curious if his lover is still able to dance properly, but eventually they both got so involved, that it turned into a more serious, intimate and sensual competition.
AU idea: High school!AU, School organizes a campaign to connect students who are part of different subcultures. Michael is a metalhead, an older student who plays the electric guitar, while the younger Jag is dancing breakdance and listening to rap music. They are paired up to combine their interests and present the effects of working together in front of the whole school.
Here's some more about:
Book Title: Broken
Author: Colette Davison
Cover Artist: Colette Davison
Heat Rating: 4 flames
Release Date: March 5, 2018
Rule #1: Keep running.
Jag’s rules have kept him safe and free since he escaped conversion therapy, but that was before he walked into Heaven and Hell. A no-strings fling with the club owner, Michael, turns into so much more as Jag finds himself breaking one rule after another.
Michael hasn’t been able to commit to anyone since his partner died, until Jag walks into his club. Falling in lust with the elfin young dancer is easy, and his heart is quick to follow.
Michael gives Jag a reason to stay, but fear rules Jag’s heart more than love. Despite his deepening feelings for Michael, Jag knows he can’t stay. Can he?
**Contains adult themes, content, and language.**
Jag’s rules have kept him safe and free since he escaped conversion therapy, but that was before he walked into Heaven and Hell. A no-strings fling with the club owner, Michael, turns into so much more as Jag finds himself breaking one rule after another.
Michael hasn’t been able to commit to anyone since his partner died, until Jag walks into his club. Falling in lust with the elfin young dancer is easy, and his heart is quick to follow.
Michael gives Jag a reason to stay, but fear rules Jag’s heart more than love. Despite his deepening feelings for Michael, Jag knows he can’t stay. Can he?
**Contains adult themes, content, and language.**

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“I need to say a few things,” Michael said, pausing as he felt Jag stiffen. “I need to be honest with you.”
“No.” Jag’s hand pressed against Michael’s mouth, no doubt transferring silver smudges to his lips. “I’m happy with the lie you told me last night.”
Well, at least Michael knew he definitely hadn’t fooled Jag. Gently, he moved Jag’s hand away from his mouth. His hand became coated in a sparkling silver sheen.
“I’m not.”
Jag clenched his teeth.
“I care about you,” Michael said. “And I can’t pretend otherwise.”
“You don’t know me,” Jag hissed.
“Don’t I?”
Jag became even more rigid, his muscles so hard beneath Michael’s fingers he felt like a statue as well as looking like one.
“I don’t have to know about your past to know who you are now.”
About the Author
Colette’s personal love story began at university, where she met her future husband. An evening of flirting, in the shadow of Lancaster castle, eventually led to a fairytale wedding. She’s enjoying her own ‘happy ever after’ in the north of England with her husband, two beautiful children and her writing.
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