Series: -
Volume: 1/1Publisher: Eric Huffbind
Genre/s: Contemporary Gay Male Romance
Length: 64 000 words
Read in: English
Review copy format: epub

When Konner O'Flattery decided to take an Ancestry DNA test that would help him learn more about his family roots, he did not even suspect how important for him the results would be. Within an instant his whole life turns out to be build on a great secret that turns his entire world upside down. The young man begins to question everything he believed to be certain and true so far. For thirty years his parents hid from him the fact that he was adopted, and although they had the best intentions, they hurt him deeply. In order to find himself and understand what it means to have Jewish blood running in his veins, Konner decides to find his biological parents. For this purpose, he contacts people who, just like him, took the DNA test and were classified as his distant relatives. One of those who respond to Konner's desperate e-mail in which he was asking for help is Aaron Kirschenbaum, a singer who's loved by millions of people, and whom only a few know well. And suddenly the road that leads to finding Konner's biological family turns out to be also a road to love.
"Distant Cousins" is not a perfect and particularly ambitious novel, however, I have the impression that in this book all the pros and cons are largely in balance from the beginning to the end. The story presented by Eric Huffbind is a little bit naïve and idealized, but definitely pleasant to read. On the one hand, it resembles all those dreams and fantasies that probably everyone who, even once, had a crush on a celebrity had – a random meeting with your idol which starts your great mutual love. I think that when we realize that Konner's story is based on what often comes to mind of many fans, we feel an enormous sentiment and affection for this book. After all, to some extent it's part of us. The second skeleton of the novel focuses not so much on the adoption itself, but rather on how the adopted person feels about it and consequently on the need to find oneself, get to know one's roots, fully understand their situation. In this case, the author presented the problem in a bitter-sweet manner and showed us Konner's rather predictable reaction to the information about his adoption. However, an undoubted plus is the theme of Jewish culture that appears in this context. I admit it is not developed in detail, but in my opinion it is a great advantage of "Distant Cousins", as I know very little about this subject.
As for the characters, one word comes to my mind – innocent. Konner and Aaron sometimes seem to me to be like two big kids. Although their bodies are fully developed and ready to discover adulthood sexually, but the way they look at the world and people is marked by the mentioned innocence. They do know that the world is not black and white, that it's full of many shades of gray, but they look at it as if it were to be perfect and they don't want to accept any compromises. This makes them take some matters more seriously than the situation would require. The best example is seduction, which suddenly grows into a great problem, even though it should not be so important. It is impossible, however, to ignore the fact that thanks to such trifles over which the men make such a fuss, we see how the characters bring out the best of each other. Taking it all into account I would say that although in real life they could be a bit troublesome friends for us, in the novel we undoubtedly like them for being such sensitive idealists and we wish them all the best. What's more, if the author decides to expand the story of these two, with real pleasure we would read about them again, for example in a novella or holiday story, as it's easy to become really attached to them.
At this point, however, I must mention one significant disadvantage of "Distant Cousins", namely the lack of insight into the characters' psyche and all that's "inside" of them. Although they speak to a large extent about their feelings, it seems to me to be superficial. I have the impression that in the novel we focus mainly on what is happening with the characters here and now, in the more physical context, while we do not have access to their emotions in their pure form. For to say "I am sad" is one thing, and to feel sadness is something completely different. I think that this is the best illustration of what I missed while reading, as I found here a lot of "to be" and not so much of "to feel". Therefore, what's missing in "Distant Cousins" is the second plane on which this story and its characters would be built. It is a great pity, because the author had a great opportunity to explore "the inside" of his characters, as there appeared such topics as falling in love and being in love, feeling betrayed by loved ones, disappointed, lost, feelings of uncertainty, sadness, hope, joy. And it is not about writing long elaborates about emotions, but about a few sentences that formed inside our characters' hearts. I am sure that if only a little more attention would be given to feelings, thoughts and the above-mentioned "inside" side of the characters, the novel would have gain a lot.
Finishing this review, I would like to mention the undeniable advantage of "Distant Cousins", which is the way in which the author shows the sexual intercourse of the two main characters and what he draws attention to. At the beginning it is worth noting that while reading the novel what immediately catches the eye are the really hot sex descriptions, which make us blush. It seems to me that, among other things, it is influenced by the fact that Konner and Aaron fully accept their sexuality and themselves, thanks to which they feel really comfortable in their own skin. What's more, they know what they have to offer and what they would like to receive in return. However, what seems really important to me is that the author often draws attention to a certain male feature, which in many other novels is skipped or appropriately reduced – the hairiness. Our protagonists are hairy, as hairy as every man and they don't only know it or accept it, but they like it and it turns them on. They are men for whom other men are sexually attractive, with everything that goes with it, and it is really visible in this novel. Eric Huffbind does not "shave" Konner and Aaron describing the sex, but he even emphasizes that they are hairy, and that's what I liked here.
In conclusion, "Distant Cousins" doesn't make the readers melt, but we really can enjoy this novel. It has a lot of warmth and love, but there is no shortage of dilemmas and dramas. This is a simple, enjoyable book, which I can recommend with a clear conscience to all of you to read during those upcoming autumn evenings. As far as I'm concerned, this is Eric Huffbind's first book I've read, but it's definitely not the last one.
Headcanon: Making Konner sulk is so easy that Aaron has to come up with thousands of ways to apologize.
Fanfiction idea: Konner and Aaron take a vacation and go in the footsteps of their Jewish ancestors because Konner wants to get to know his roots better.
AU idea: Bodyguard!AU, Aaron is a famous singer who has problems with his ex-boyfriend who stalks him despite parting. He hires a bodyguard, Konner. The time they spend together and the way in which Konner takes care of his employer make them slowly fall in love with each other.
Here's some more about:

Book Title: Distant Cousins
Author: Eric Huffbind
Cover Artist: Eric Huffbind
Heat Rating: 4 flames
No cliff hanger / HEA
No cliff hanger / HEA

Even the worst mistakes can be forgiven.
Konner was looking forward to learning more about his family heritage. What he found was his entire life was a lie.
Konner O’Flattery, a passionate amateur genealogist, has finally gotten back the results of the DNA test he took. He’s been waiting months to uncover what mysteries his DNA has locked inside. But his results aren’t anything like he expected, and he unearths a secret buried since birth. His heart becomes shattered leaving no room for forgiveness. Now, Konner feels compelled to go on a journey to find the truth of who and what he truly is.
Through the miracles of modern technology, Konner meets his distant cousin, Aaron Kirschenbaum. Turns out, he knows exactly who Aaron is, yet they’ve never met. Aaron makes the girls and boys alike swoon from his stunning good looks and velvety voice. Unfortunately, he’s picked up a bad habit of abusing his status for his own personal gain, but nonetheless, is a man with a heart of pure gold.
Konner’s story pulls on the strings of Aaron’s heart. So, he offers to help Konner, in any way he possibly can. Aaron finds Konner to be incredibly attractive, so the two men are swept up into an intense romance filled with sensuous heat and passion.
Distant Cousins is Eric Huffbind’s second published novel, a Contemporary Gay Male Romance. Take a journey with Konner as he finds heartbreak, intrigue, love, passion, and the importance of forgiveness. If you want to rekindle the euphoric high of falling in love, Distant Cousins is the book for you.
Konner was looking forward to learning more about his family heritage. What he found was his entire life was a lie.
Konner O’Flattery, a passionate amateur genealogist, has finally gotten back the results of the DNA test he took. He’s been waiting months to uncover what mysteries his DNA has locked inside. But his results aren’t anything like he expected, and he unearths a secret buried since birth. His heart becomes shattered leaving no room for forgiveness. Now, Konner feels compelled to go on a journey to find the truth of who and what he truly is.
Through the miracles of modern technology, Konner meets his distant cousin, Aaron Kirschenbaum. Turns out, he knows exactly who Aaron is, yet they’ve never met. Aaron makes the girls and boys alike swoon from his stunning good looks and velvety voice. Unfortunately, he’s picked up a bad habit of abusing his status for his own personal gain, but nonetheless, is a man with a heart of pure gold.
Konner’s story pulls on the strings of Aaron’s heart. So, he offers to help Konner, in any way he possibly can. Aaron finds Konner to be incredibly attractive, so the two men are swept up into an intense romance filled with sensuous heat and passion.
Distant Cousins is Eric Huffbind’s second published novel, a Contemporary Gay Male Romance. Take a journey with Konner as he finds heartbreak, intrigue, love, passion, and the importance of forgiveness. If you want to rekindle the euphoric high of falling in love, Distant Cousins is the book for you.

Aaron was walking, while an airline employee was pushing Konner in the wheelchair, heading towards the arrivals area. Konner noticed a gentleman, dressed in a chauffeur’s attire, holding a sign that read “Kirkman Party.”
Aaron walked towards the man, who was quick to say, “Good Morning, Mr. Kirkman. My name is James and I’ll be driving you and Mr. O’Flattery to the Hyatt Regency. Do you have any checked luggage we need to retrieve before we leave.?”
“Yes, we do, James.” The driver explained to the airline employee he would take over pushing the wheelchair. Konner had the definitive facial expression of, “What the hell is this all about? A chauffeur?”
Aaron was quick to notice his appearance. “Arnie always arranges for a limousine to meet me when I travel.”
“Oh—I see. Aaron, this is so foreign to me. A house in Bel Air was one thing, but flying first class, and a chauffeured limousine. Let me guess, we’re staying in the presidential suite at the hotel.”
Aaron responded, “Uhhhh…” Followed by clearing his throat. “Actually, yes, we are staying in the presidential suite. I would’ve thought you would like it. You don’t?”
“I wouldn’t say I don’t like it,” Konner answered “I feel like a country bumpkin next to you. I’ve never had your kind of money. And I’m not used to being taken care of, like you are. I’ve always made my own way in the world.”
“Can’t I make life nicer for you? It’s important to me.”
“You mean living the high life is important to you?” asked Konner.
“No. It’s not that. It’s important to me that you live a nice life.” Aaron said. “Let’s talk about it after we get in the limo. Okay?” Konner nodded in agreement.
Within five minutes, they were waiting at the baggage carousel. Aaron pointed their bags out, and the driver obtained the luggage to carry. Aaron offered to push Konner’s wheelchair the rest of the way. Once they were outside, a black stretch limousine was waiting at the curb. The driver placed their luggage in the trunk and then opened the passenger door for the boys. Aaron helped Konner to his feet and into the back seat of the car. The chauffeur closed the door for them and drove them straight away to their hotel.
The back seats were in the form of wrap-around couches. The smell of leather and alcohol floated in the air. As Konner sunk into the smooth feel of the black leather, he noticed a sunroof above them. “Am I too plain for you?” Konner asked.
Aaron felt as if it caught him off guard. “Absolutely not! Why would you think that?”
“Because, you said it was important to you I live a nice life. The high life as I call it. My feelings are a little hurt, you made me feel inadequate. Like I wasn’t rich enough, or fancy enough to meet your high standards.”
“Oh, my God! Sweetheart, nothing could be further from the truth. It has to do with the question you wanted answered when I said you need to ask your parents. It’s all tied together.”
“I see. So, I still need to talk to my parents for the solution.” Aaron gave a yes nod. “It has to be the something that badly hurt you. It's become obvious your parents must’ve been the offenders.” Another yes nod from Aaron. “Then you don’t look down on me for living a plain-Jane life?”
“No! Not at all! I may live a fancy life, but I swear to you…” Aaron took an audible breath and sighed. “I may be an asshole who's gone around seducing men, but I’m not a snob. I still want to make your life better, but not for the reason you think. I promise.” Aaron reached for Konner’s face to caress, always enjoying the feel of his facial hair, and gave him a kiss.
“I’d better give Anna a call. Let her know we’re here.” Konner pulled his cell phone from his carry-on bag and dialed her number. “Hi, Anna, it’s Konner. Aaron and I have arrived. We’re staying at the Hyatt Regency Sacramento; that’s where we’re driving to right now… We’d love to have lunch with you and your husband tomorrow…”
About the Author
Eric Huffbind is a man of many talents. Over the course of his lifetime, he’s been a licensed registered nurse, a travel agent, an Uber driver, a hopeless romantic, and is the eternal social butterfly. Among his passionate interests are history, genealogy, romance, and travel.
The story of Distant Cousinswas heavily inspired from his passion for family history; a hobby he has pursued for more than thirty years. Although his novels focus on the romantic relationship of two gay men, regardless of your sexual orientation, his stories are meant to rekindle the spirit and euphoria of falling in love. If Mr. Huffbind’s story moves you through an array of emotions, and it touches your romantic spirit, please share the book with a friend. Mr. Huffbind is a lifelong resident of Southwest Ohio; born in Cincinnati, Ohio, and currently residing in West Chester, Ohio with his husband Paul and their Pomeranian, Linus.
The story of Distant Cousinswas heavily inspired from his passion for family history; a hobby he has pursued for more than thirty years. Although his novels focus on the romantic relationship of two gay men, regardless of your sexual orientation, his stories are meant to rekindle the spirit and euphoria of falling in love. If Mr. Huffbind’s story moves you through an array of emotions, and it touches your romantic spirit, please share the book with a friend. Mr. Huffbind is a lifelong resident of Southwest Ohio; born in Cincinnati, Ohio, and currently residing in West Chester, Ohio with his husband Paul and their Pomeranian, Linus.
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