Series: Blood Sealed
Volume: 2/?Publisher: Self-Published
Genre/s: M/M Paranormal Romance
Length: 54 000
Read in: English
Review copy format: epub
Phil's life changed beyond recognition when the fate put Shige on his path. It was because of him that, among many other things, the young man discovered the existence of vampires and other supernatural creatures. However, the most important is his own change. Phil was unique since he was a child, but the skills that made him so special now evolved in a way he hasn't anticipated. The nurse has an insight into the minds of people around him, he can read their thoughts, even if he doesn't want to. His uncontrolled abilities are so troublesome that they require some help of a person who knows what they are dealing with exactly. In order to tame Phil's skills, Shige takes him to Japan, where he hasn't been for so long that even coming back to his own territory may not be easy and pleasant.
At the beginning of this review, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that when we start reading "Enrai" we are a bit confused, as the action of this novel begins some time after the events described in "Nasu". During this time, some important changes have occurred in Phil's life and returning to the world of "Blood Sealed", we are not fully aware of them. What I'm writing about is the fact that the skills of our main character have evolved so much that he is able to hear the thoughts of people around him and it largely have a negative impact on his daily life. It's also a thing that propel the plot of this volume of the series. Therefore, I regret that we don't "re-join" our young nurse a bit earlier in order to better understand the nature of his problem and to know what's happening in his life. However, I admit that we quickly fill the gaps in our knowledge concerning the current events in the context of his skills, as they are not a secret, so after some time we are able to fully enjoy reading the novel.
Let's stay on the subject of Phil's talents a little longer, because this time I would like to present them from a different, positive angle. There is no doubt that the evolution of this young man's skills is something really interesting, especially since it is quite rapid and unexpected, not only for him, but also for the readers themselves. Until recently, or more precisely, for the greater part of the first volume, Phil was someone rather ordinary, someone who didn't stand out from the crowd, which I considered a great advantage of "Nasu". However, Phil is no longer a human being like any other, which is a plus of this installment, given the way his talents are used in the story. I must admit that being part of the world of supernatural beings, an ordinary person doesn't stand a chance of keeping up with them. The fact that Phil has discovered something uncommon in himself is therefore a completely natural thing. What's more, his skills entail further interesting secrets that the reader slowly discovers, which makes "Enrai" a novel even more interesting and absorbing.
In my review of the previous volume I briefly mentioned fantastic creatures appearing in the world of "Blood Sealed". Now I would like to go back to this topic and develop it a little more, as in "Enrai" the existence of supernatural beings is no longer hidden in any way, and it plays quite a significant role here. Naturally, I liked the fact that this novel strongly refers to Japanese folklore and allows us, at least to some extent, to get closer to this amazing world, so different from European or American. My only regret is the fact that not enough space has been devoted to a more accurate description of the Japanese bestiary, as there are readers who don't know all these amazing beings, and it's really difficult to imagine the individual creatures when you know almost nothing about them. And yet the house where Shige and Phil live while staying in Japan is full of different beings not all of which resembled humans.
Finally, I would like to praise the fact that "Enrai" focuses not only on Phil, his evolving skills and how he masters them, but also on building his relationship with Shige. Because these two get to know each other better, their interactions are progressively more interesting, and the reader notices more and more details which show the growing intimacy between them and their mutual love. However, the most important to me is the fact I mentioned earlier, namely, the use of Phil's skills. In this volume I really liked that Phil is getting more involved in the paranormal life of his lover, and that Shige finally allows him to do it. What's more, working on mastering the abilities results in a wide range of possibilities for them to be useful to Shige, which is also part of their relationship at the moment. So we can say that the purpose of everything that happens in "Enrai" is to bring the two main characters even closer together.
To sum up, "Enrai" is a really interesting and quite good continuation of "Nasu", which undoubtedly can boast about the exotic atmosphere of the presented story and its ability to attract readers. There is no doubt that after reading this book you want to be back in the world of "Blood Sealed" series again. The more so because the ending of the volume promises a really interesting continuation of our adventure alongside Phil and Shige.
Headcanon: Phil sometimes looks into the minds of random people who meet his lover on the street, in restaurants, clubs, and later on he's terribly jealous of their fantasies about Shige.
Fanfiction idea: Shige and Phil have a date which Phil must cancel because one of the nurses didn't show up for work and he needs to replace her. Shige has a different plan. He comes to the hospital and during one of Phil's break they have a quick date in a hospital restaurant.
AU idea: Shige's grandmother, who is a clairvoyant, tells him that soon he will meet the love of his life. Naturally, a man doesn't believe her. The same evening, in the club where he goes with his friend, Abby, a fight takes place. Because Shige is accidentally injured, an attractive bartender, Phil, helps him dress the wound. They meet again the next day, when Shige goes to work and accidentally bumps into a cyclist, who is none other than Phil. Does the destiny want to tell him something?
Here's some more about:
Book Title: Enrai (Blood Sealed Book 2)
Author: Jet Lupin
Release Date: February 8, 2019
Is it a standalone story? No
Phil has a problem.
It’s not his job or the fact that his maybe boyfriend, Shige, is a vampire. He’s a sensitive– an ability he’s had since he was small that lets him peek into people’s minds— and it’s gotten out of control. He can’t turn it on and off like he used to. He needs help, and he has to fly to the other side of the world to get it. The catch? Shige’s the only one who can take him there, but things with him haven’t been great. Their relationship is in tatters, and he doesn’t know how to fix it or if it’s even up to him. This is so not what he needs right now.
But Phil’s not the only one with issues. Shige’s got a territory to maintain and a mystery to solve all while worrying about Phil. He takes all this in stride, but when things take a turn for the worst, can he get them both home in one piece?
It’s not his job or the fact that his maybe boyfriend, Shige, is a vampire. He’s a sensitive– an ability he’s had since he was small that lets him peek into people’s minds— and it’s gotten out of control. He can’t turn it on and off like he used to. He needs help, and he has to fly to the other side of the world to get it. The catch? Shige’s the only one who can take him there, but things with him haven’t been great. Their relationship is in tatters, and he doesn’t know how to fix it or if it’s even up to him. This is so not what he needs right now.
But Phil’s not the only one with issues. Shige’s got a territory to maintain and a mystery to solve all while worrying about Phil. He takes all this in stride, but when things take a turn for the worst, can he get them both home in one piece?

From Chapter 1Read more here:
“Earth to Phil!”
Phil blinked at the sudden snap inches from his nose. He shook himself as the world rushed up to meet him. He’d been adrift in a sea of consciousness surrounding them. There were 30 other people in this restaurant, and at any given time, Phil heard the thoughts of the closest 15 or so, everything from the mundane to the raunchy. None of it was his business, but his instinct was to latch onto every granule of information as he noticed it. Giving in was very easy and very satisfying.
Sorry. I’m here.” But he hadn’t been. Thoughts continued to float in and out of his mind, not all of them his own. Today was particularly bad. It kept getting harder to focus on the things he needed to live his life.
Before, he needed to concentrate to hear other people’s minds, like eavesdropping. Now it was like everyone spontaneously broke into fits of reciting their inner monologues. There was no way to tell when it would start, but nine times out of ten, it was when he needed all his mental faculties.
He’d taken more breaks at work than what his job owed him, just to get away from the noise. People had started to notice. He’d been lucky enough not to hurt anyone yet, but it was only a matter of time.
“You sure?” Jerome said with no small amount of skepticism threading through his words. “You’re a little spacey.”
“I got distracted by a work thing, but I heard every word.”
Jerome cut his eyes at him. “What’s the last thing I said?” He smirked.
“You asked how things are with Shige.”
Jerome sucked his teeth. “Lucky guess.”
The question from his brain reached Phil before Jerome put it into words. It got mixed in the deluge of their fellow diners’ minds, but he remembered because it concerned him directly and hadn’t been about the food. He focused on Jerome, and the feedback lowered to a dull hum, blending with the audible background noise of the restaurant.
“So you got an answer for me? Hurry up, while it’s just us.”
“We’re good. Why would I go on this trip with him if we weren’t getting along?”
The short answer was what Phil told him; things between him and Shige were fine. The truth, as always, was more complex. He didn’t know what they were or where they stood.
About the Author
Stories longing to have words put to them were in Jet’s heart from an early age. Jet enjoys exploring the connections and similarities between people whether they be shifters, vampires, or aliens, rendering the unknowable very knowable indeed.
Jet’s days are spent toiling away at a keyboard, slumped over a pen and paper hunting for those words, or playing around on twitter with a partner, and two rambunctious cats for company in the temperamental North Eastern US.
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