Series: D'Vaire
Volume: 1/8+Publisher: Self-published
Genre/s: M/M Fantasy Romance, M/M Paranormal Romance
Length: 65 000 words
Read in: English
Review copy format: epub
XIV century:
As a son of Grand Warlock and Grand Summoner, Dra'Kaedan has enormous magical power and undoubtedly a bright future ahead. But when Carvallius, a warlock with a great lust for power, lures him into a trap, everything changes. Dra'Kaedan is transformed into a familiar and, at the same time, serves as "a magic battery" that powers Latarian, a granddaughter of the evil warlock, with weak magical abilities. When the shadow of war hangs over the magical world, Carvallius sends his granddaughter and Dra'Kaedan, devoid of all memories and now known as Ayden, to the enchanted cottage in the forest.
Modern times:
Brogan D'Vairedraconis, a shapeshifter or more precisely a dragon, for centuries belongs to a tiny court consisting of misfits who in various ways are different from other members of their race. Although he was surrounded by people who love him, the family he had chosen, the desire to find his other half was strong enough to force Brogan to leave his relatives and start searching for his true love. When, after years of fruitless wandering, the dragon concerned about well being of his beloved ones returns home, he discovers that his family took under their wing not just some warlock and her familiar, but his fated mate for whom he has waited for ages. The problem is that Brogan imagined his ideal partner to be a bit different.
As a son of Grand Warlock and Grand Summoner, Dra'Kaedan has enormous magical power and undoubtedly a bright future ahead. But when Carvallius, a warlock with a great lust for power, lures him into a trap, everything changes. Dra'Kaedan is transformed into a familiar and, at the same time, serves as "a magic battery" that powers Latarian, a granddaughter of the evil warlock, with weak magical abilities. When the shadow of war hangs over the magical world, Carvallius sends his granddaughter and Dra'Kaedan, devoid of all memories and now known as Ayden, to the enchanted cottage in the forest.
Modern times:
Brogan D'Vairedraconis, a shapeshifter or more precisely a dragon, for centuries belongs to a tiny court consisting of misfits who in various ways are different from other members of their race. Although he was surrounded by people who love him, the family he had chosen, the desire to find his other half was strong enough to force Brogan to leave his relatives and start searching for his true love. When, after years of fruitless wandering, the dragon concerned about well being of his beloved ones returns home, he discovers that his family took under their wing not just some warlock and her familiar, but his fated mate for whom he has waited for ages. The problem is that Brogan imagined his ideal partner to be a bit different.
"Dra'Kaedan's Coven" is a completely new first volume of the already existing and currently consisting of eight parts series "D'Vaire". Jessamyn Kingley decided that Dra'Kaedan and Brogan deserve their story to be retell and, although it was my first time reading about them, I believe that the author made the right decision. Nevertheless, this new first volume is not entirely perfect and although it has undoubted advantages, it also has its smaller and bigger cons. One of them is the intrigue presented in the novel or more precisely, as the idea itself is great, its development. I admit that to the very end I hoped that one of the characters would start to sniff around Carvallius's story or look for answers to questions about Ayden's uniqueness as a familiar, and that's how they would discover the boy's true identity or just guess that maybe he's not who they think he is. After all, the members of Court D'Vaire lived under the same roof with the granddaughter of someone considered to be a traitor to his race and Ayden was nothing like what they all knew about familiars. Is it not a sufficient reason to become suspicious and inquisitive? Anyway, I really hoped that the intrigue presented in this volume will be developed like that or in a similar way, and thanks to it, it will keep the reader in suspense, just like in a Polish saying that "it's not about catching a bunny, but about chasing it" (meaning: the real fun is to chase, not to catch). Unfortunately, everything just solves itself at the end of the volume without full exploration of the potential of the intrigue that the characters face. And that is really a pity.
As for the plot of the novel, it is quite simple and uncomplicated but also well enough created and quite interesting. It focuses mainly on presenting some spectacular and funny love quarrels between Ayden and Brogan, and consequently, on slowly building their closer relationship. In this context, I think one of the most important facts is that although the main characters are fated mates, they do not blindly do what they are supposed to do, but they come to conclusions regarding their relationship by themselves. We can probably say that they treat their mates status as a mere proposal of Fate, as they decide to make their own decision regardless of their love destiny. This is a really huge advantage of "Dra'Kaedan's Coven", just like the fact that Ayden and Brogan have the opportunity to get to know each other better and to fall in love with each other before finally forming a bond. You may find me not very romantic, but I think that before two people start a serious relationship, they should first get to know each other well, and that's why I was captivated by this aspect of the book.
What I consider the greatest advantage of "Dra'Kaedan's Coven" is this series universe. I regret that we do not get to know it better in this volume, but I must admit that it is quite interesting and encourages us to further exploration. What I find extremely fascinating is the fact that at some point we unexpectedly jump from pure fantasy into the urban fantasy genre and that shows how powerful magic is in the world of "D'Vaire" and how unpredictable it can be. I really can't wait for the moment when I will be able to explore its possibilities more profoundly. What is more, in the first volume of the series we can see that this universe we slowly discover is full of various paranormal races, such as warlocks, witches, shapeshifters, elves, and familiars. However, their very existence is not all I like in this book, because for me the most enchanting thing is the idea of a larger institution that establishes laws, protects the order and keeps an eye on the whole magical community. In short, I think I fell in love with the universe created by Jessamyn Kingley and I would really like to read more novels of this series. However, there's one "but" here. Namely, the fact that we learn about "D'Vaire" universe through talks of characters, not through the action of the novel, and this is a huge loss for this book.
Finally, a few words about the impact the characters have on the reader, as I really think it is an interesting and quite funny case. For although the characters in this novel are undoubtedly interesting and likable, they don't take our hearts by storm. And yet they were created and presented in such a way that we simply want to know more about them, be closer to them. And it's not just about getting to know them by reading more novels from "D'Vaire" series, but to do it from a fandom perspective. The author has made sure that we know quite well what the characters look like, what they like or what kind of behavior suits them best, and all of this affects the fangirl's mind so strongly that it's even hard to imagine. The best proof of it is the influence that "Dra'Kaedan's Coven" had on me. I admit that when it comes to drawing, I'm not particularly good at it, but since I've read about Jessamyn Kingley's characters, I feel the irresistible need to reach for a pencil and a piece of paper to create some fanarts from this series (and at some point I will probably do it). What's more, I would be pleased to write some fanfictions set in this universe. So if we look at "D'Vaire" series from the first volume perspective, we can clearly see that it's this kind of series that should have its own fandom.
To sum up, "Dra'Kaedan's Coven" is not a bad novel that, despite its simplicity, can captivate the reader, above all by the first outline of its fictional universe. In addition, the author can create her characters in such a way that, although they don't make us forget how to breathe, they seem to whisper silently in our ear: "read on", "reach for the next volume" and we can't refuse them. In short, it's just one of those books that have "this something" we can't resist.
Headcanon: Brogan learns to cook because when Dra'Kaedan is really mad at him, to apologize the dragon makes him some delicious food and thanks to it they make up faster.
Fanfiction idea: During a magical dance party in the city, Dra'Kaedan gets so drunk that first he is extremely horny and simply can't keep his hands off Brogan, and then, at the crucial moment, he falls asleep.
AU idea: Brogan and his king Alexander are guests at the court of the neighboring country ruler with whom peace has recently been concluded. That is where Brogan falls in love with a slave, Dra'Kaedan, who is preforming an erotic dance for them.
Here's some more about:
Book title: Dra’Kaedan’s Coven (D’Vaire, Book 1)
Author: Jessamyn Kingley
Cover Artist: LJ Anderson of Mayhem Cover Creations
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It’s the first book in the series so it can be read by itself but the story arc continues in the next seven books now available.
Book title: Dra’Kaedan’s Coven (D’Vaire, Book 1)
Author: Jessamyn Kingley
Cover Artist: LJ Anderson of Mayhem Cover Creations
Add on Goodreads
It’s the first book in the series so it can be read by itself but the story arc continues in the next seven books now available.

Dra’Kaedan of Leolinnia was born with a mark of Fate proclaiming that someday he would be the Grand Warlock. Standing in his way is Carvallius of Mallent who is desperate to rule the warlocks. His granddaughter Latarian has little magic so Carvallius concocts a plan to kidnap Dra’Kaedan to steal his power. After carving spells into Dra’Kaedan’s back, he begins life anew as Latarian’s familiar whom she calls Ayden. With no memory of his past, the pair are shuffled off to a cottage while Carvallius enlists the help of a brutal elven tribe to rob Dra’Kaedan of his future title. The tactic backfires, and the Coven of Warlocks is destroyed.
Minutes after Brogan shifts into a dragon for the first time, his best friend is banished from their court. Loyal to the core, Brogan follows Aleksander through the castle gates of their old home. Fate turns Aleksander into a king and Court D’Vaire is established. Considered cursed by dragonkind the D’Vaire’s are ostracized. After six centuries of loneliness Brogan leaves his family desperate to find his mate. He has no idea Fate has intervened and sent his other half right to Aleksander’s doorstep.
As a familiar Ayden struggles between a voice inside him that insists he is something more and Latarian’s stringent set of rules. He finds himself torn as he and Brogan try to find common ground. Can the pair find love and will Dra’Kaedan find out his true destiny before it’s too late?
Minutes after Brogan shifts into a dragon for the first time, his best friend is banished from their court. Loyal to the core, Brogan follows Aleksander through the castle gates of their old home. Fate turns Aleksander into a king and Court D’Vaire is established. Considered cursed by dragonkind the D’Vaire’s are ostracized. After six centuries of loneliness Brogan leaves his family desperate to find his mate. He has no idea Fate has intervened and sent his other half right to Aleksander’s doorstep.
As a familiar Ayden struggles between a voice inside him that insists he is something more and Latarian’s stringent set of rules. He finds himself torn as he and Brogan try to find common ground. Can the pair find love and will Dra’Kaedan find out his true destiny before it’s too late?

“Before you met me, did you ever try and imagine what your mate would be like?” Ayden asked.
“Sometimes. I’m shallow, so I wanted him to be good-looking. I like to laugh, so I hoped he’d have a good sense of humor. I dreamed of someone who’d love my family because my preference is to be with them. I consider myself very lucky because I got a mate who has everything on my shopping list,” Brogan replied. “How about you?”
“I honestly didn’t consider it. We were trapped so long, my only thoughts were about getting out of that cottage. I suppose if I had to make a list, the one thing I’d put on it would be to have someone taller than me. Life isn’t easy for us short people.”
“I know, I’ve seen your struggles with shelves, but I like your height. You fit just right in my arms.”
“Kind of cheesy,” Ayden decided.
“How about I love the delicious fit of your sexy, toned physique against the tall manliness of mine?”
“Too wordy.”
“Okay, last choice. Your body feels amazing against me.”
“Still has some cheese factor, but I’ll take it,” Ayden declared.
“I have no regrets,” Ayden informed him.
His dragon grinned. “Somehow I’m not surprised.”
“We all have to be good at something. I’m learning to be excellent at saying whatever comes to mind.”
“You’re a good kisser,” Brogan countered. “You could spend more time doing that and less time being bratty.”
“Yeah, I’ve been trying, but my mate’s a pain in the ass and doesn’t give me much opportunity.”
“So, what you’re saying is that you wait for him to make all the moves?”
Ayden was dumbstruck. That was exactly what he’d been doing. He couldn’t believe he’d let Brogan dictate their progress until the previous night, when he’d finally demanded that the man give him more. If life was about embracing what he wanted, Ayden craved nothing more than Brogan.
Without a word, Ayden leaned forward and kissed his mate. It was no gentle peck—his tongue dueled with Brogan’s, and the dragon took control. He hauled Ayden close and massaged his back with his large paws as their mouths made love. Ayden wound his arms around Brogan’s neck as moans tumbled past his lips. Long before Ayden was ready, Brogan pulled away.
“I like it when you take charge,” Brogan told him.
“I wasn’t finished.”
“You keep kissing me like that, and I’m going to forget we’re in the living room.”
“Please, Madeline and Larissa make out in here all the time.”
Brogan’s brow furrowed in irritation. “Good for them. I don’t like sitting in here making out. My dick’s pressing against my zipper, and it fucking hurts.”
Ayden jumped off the couch. “Let’s go to my room then.”
“Taking it slow, remember that?” Brogan reminded him from where he still sat on the sofa.
“Damn it, why did we agree to something so stupid?” Ayden demanded and slapped his hands onto his hips.
Brogan narrowed his eyes in frustration as he stood. “Because you have no experience.”
“I’m over six centuries old. How long are you going to make me wait?”
“Long enough to make sure you’re ready.”
Tilting his head back, Ayden’s eyes met an angry set of navy ones, but he was an expert on what he was ready for, and he wasn’t going to tolerate anyone else making rules or guidelines for him. He’d had enough of that in his lifetime. “I think I know when I’m ready.”
“How? Huh? You’ve never been in a relationship, so how do you know?”
“I know myself, don’t I?” Ayden yelled.
“What the hell’s going on in here?” Aleksander asked as he stalked into the living room.
Ayden was lost in his anger and he didn’t think, he just acted. Lifting his finger, he aimed it in Brogan’s direction. “We’re both hard, and he won’t do a damn thing about it.”
“I’m out,” Aleksander responded as he turned on his heel and exited in the same direction he’d just come from. “I’ll be in my room if anyone needs me. You two can figure this one out on your own.”
There was a tense silence in the living room for several minutes; then Brogan bent over in half from the force of his laughter.
It made heat bloom in Ayden’s cheeks. “I can’t believe I said that to him.”
Brogan straightened, and their eyes met. “He’s heard worse. Don’t worry. Look, I know you want more, but we need to stick to the plan. This is too important to make mistakes.”
“I’m ready for more.”
“How about I’ll allow kissing and maybe a little more to be determined on a case-by-case basis,” Brogan offered as he took a step closer to Ayden and grinned.
Bridging the distance between them, Ayden walked forward until their toes bumped. “You’ll allow? It doesn’t work that way unless you want to be covered in oozing sores.”
“I think that’s more disgusting than the enormous damage you wanted to do to my ass earlier.”
“Give me one of those pecks you’re so fond of, and let’s go get a snack. We can talk about that little more you mentioned,” Ayden said as he held out his hand.
Brogan grabbed it and leaned down to touch their lips together. “We ate lunch less than thirty minutes ago.”
“Do you have a point?”
About the Author
Jessamyn Kingley lives in Nevada where she begs the men in her head to tell her their amazing stories which she dutifully writes it all down in what has become a small mountain of notebooks. She falls in love with each couple and swears whatever book she wrote last is her absolute favorite. Jessamyn is married and working toward remembering to start the dishwasher without being distracted by the scent of the magical detergent. For personal enjoyment, she aids in cat rescue while slashing and gashing her way through mobs in various MMORPGs. Caffeine is her very best friend and is only cast aside briefly for the sin better known as BBQ potato chips.
She loves to engage with readers there.
She loves to engage with readers there.
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