Series: -
Volume: 1/1Publisher: Independently published
Genre/s: Paranormal romance
Length: 69 401 words
Read in: English
Review copy format: epub
Jax, an unregistered omega fox shifter, and Hunter live on the street. Their love, although blessed by fate, is forbidden as the government severely punishes human-shifter relationships and does not recognize fated mates in the case of mere humans. It turns out, however, that the situation of the two is more complicated than they thought when they accidentally bump into Dominic, the alpha wolf shifter, who is clearly their soul mate. Everything gets even worse as Jax and Hunter come into conflict with a drug dealer. It's clear they must run away, but how can they do it when they discovered their fated mate without whom their relationship is incomplete? For Dominic, a relationship with Jax and Hunter equals abandoning his current life, work, and friends. Will he be able to do this? And will jealous Hunter find a way to reconcile his conflicting, strong feelings?
"Run Free" is the first shifter mpreg novel in Colette Davison's career and hopefully not the last one. The author has built a solid universe with foundations embedded in alternative historical events, on which the alternative present, in which the events of this volume take place, is developed. What immediately catches our eye is a gloomy, dark world that the characters have to face. However, I think that it should also be mentioned that the universe of "Run Free", although shown in rather dark colors, was built and presented really realistically. After all, probably every realist realizes that if shapeshifters lived openly among us, they would be treated in the way we see in the novel - partly like minority, partly animals. Many countries around the world still struggle to cope with people being different than most, let alone accepting hybrids. It's sad but true, and I suspect the author was aware of it.
I've mentioned that the "Run Free" universe is a gloomy place, and so is the vibe of this novel. It is dark and heavy for most of the story. To a large extent, it makes us aware much more clearly than anything else of what is hidden under the colorful, cheerful facade of our everyday life. "Run Free" is set in an alternate reality in which wolf and fox shifters exist, and are divided into alphas and omegas, but all this can be successfully applied to some ordinary people and all type of minorities. We should remember that not every country gives its inhabitants the opportunity to live and be who you really are. And even countries that offer this option are not always honest. What is important, however, is the fact that just like it happens in life, in "Run Free" the dark, gloomy vibe begins to lighten with time. The sun is coming out from behind the clouds.
Another topic I would like to mention are the characters. In my opinion, it is very important that each of them has his own story to tell, and what's more, Hugo and Jax also have theirs, the one they lived through together. Thus, apart from what is happening in front of our eyes in "Run Free", the next plane of this story is created by the past and the experiences of the heroes from the times before the reader got to know them. It is thanks to this that we can get to know them better and understand them. It is also important that our three boys are really different from one another, but at the same time they complement one another. Each of the characters brings something important to this story and to their relationship. Colette Davison really made sure to show us clearly how much Jax, Hugo and Dominic need one another, what they bring to the relationship, what they give and what they take from one another. Thanks to this, we can see the mechanism of their relationship somewhat from within. Imagine a transparent watch, which allows you to see how all the parts of its mechanism work together, how the small gears turn, thanks to which it fulfills its role. This is how the author shows us the heroes and their relationship.
In "Run Free" I really liked the fact that the author takes up many important topics related to life, such as the difficult choice between heart and mind, uncertainty of the future, the need to take risks in order to live and find happiness. We can say that the novel shows a series of "something for something" problems that force the characters to sacrifice something in order to achieve something else. The author has shown them all in such a good way that the reader involuntarily puts himself in our boys' shoes and wonders if they would be able to make a similar decision or what they would or would not do. This clearly shows that Colette Davison is capable of engaging the reader, making them think. I believe that thanks to all this "Run Free" also becomes closer to us.
In conclusion, although the author gets into uncharted waters, she once again had written something really great, interesting and addictive. "Run Free" is undoubtedly one of the novels that make us think and make us want to change the world. So this is definitely a book that we will remember for a long time.
Headcanon: Hugo is a more strict parent than Dominic and Jax.
Fanfiction idea: Hunter trips over his son's toy, Jax by accident is hit in the face with food, and Dominic falls into the tub when he's bathing his baby. In other words, a series of ups and downs of fatherhood.
AU idea: Science fiction!AU, Hunter is an alien who is injured during a crash of his spaceship. Hunter and Jax arrive at the scene at the same time, before any government workers, and find injured Hunter. They decide to take him home and help him.
Here's some more about:
Book Title: Run Free: an MMM Mpreg Romance
Author: Colette Davison
Cover Artist: Colette Davison
Release Date: August 4, 2011
Trope/s: Shifter, mpreg, MMM, age gap
Themes: Finding home, working through differences, sticking together
Heat Rating: 4 flames
It is a standalone story.
Jax is an omega, Hugo is human, and their love is forbidden. They’ve spent the last seven years on the streets, relying on no one but each other.
When they collide with Dominic, they realise something has always been missing. Jax is keen to get to know the alpha, but Hugo resists the mate-call, worrying that, as a human, there will be no room for him.
The only way they can be free to love each other is to escape the UK, but will Dominic leave his life behind to find home with two younger men?
Run Free is an alternate universe MMM shifter novel, with fated mates, mpreg, an age-gap relationship, and a happy ending.
When they collide with Dominic, they realise something has always been missing. Jax is keen to get to know the alpha, but Hugo resists the mate-call, worrying that, as a human, there will be no room for him.
The only way they can be free to love each other is to escape the UK, but will Dominic leave his life behind to find home with two younger men?
Run Free is an alternate universe MMM shifter novel, with fated mates, mpreg, an age-gap relationship, and a happy ending.
As they rounded a corner, Jax collided with a muscular guy in a smart suit. The hairs on the back of Hugo’s arms stood up as a pulse of electricity swept through him. He grabbed Jax’s arm, steadying him so he didn’t fall.
“We’ve got to go,” he hissed, tugging his lover’s arm.
Jax didn’t move. He was staring at the man in the suit, breathing harshly. The shopkeeper’s yells were getting closer, yet Hugo couldn’t resist glancing at the man they’d bumped into. He found himself noticing every tiny detail in a matter of seconds. The guy was gorgeous, with dark hair that had been cut into a short, neat style and grey eyes with a dark brown ring around the pupil. His cheekbones were sharp and pronounced, and he had a couple days’ worth of stubble. He smelt of rainy days and damp moss. Hugo’s stare tracked to the man’s neck, where he saw the rice grain-sized bump of a chip beneath his skin. He was a shifter. Judging by the man’s size and the way Jax was quivering, he had to be an alpha. Hugo felt like he was being pulled towards the man, which was a dangerous sensation, considering how close the shopkeeper’s shouts sounded.
“We’ve got to go,” Hugo insisted, tugging Jax harder. They couldn’t get caught.
“Go,” the alpha said.
His voice was deep and velvety, the kind of voice you could listen to all day and not get bored of. It was a voice Hugo could happily get wrapped up in. Damn, why was he thinking that way, and why was his skin tingling in the alpha’s presence?
He shook himself.
“Run,” the man told them in a commanding growl, stepping aside so he was no longer blocking the path.
Jax pushed him forward, and suddenly, they were running again. Hugo felt a sickening wrench in his stomach, which made him falter, but he quickly found his feet again. Nothing mattered but getting as far away from the shopkeeper as possible.
About the Author
Colette’s personal love story began at university, where she met her future husband. An evening of flirting, in the shadow of Lancaster castle, eventually led to a fairytale wedding. She’s enjoying her own ‘happy ever after’ in the north of England with her husband, two beautiful children and her writing.
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