Series: -
Volume: 1/1Publisher: -
Genre/s: Contemporary MM romance
Length: -
Read in: English
Review copy format: mobi

Elias doesn't really think about waste segregation when heading to work he throws his garbage to the wrong bin. However, this incident doesn't escape the attention of a City Worker, who boldly admonishes him and tells him honestly what he thinks about such behavior. Elias and Ty wouldn't think twice about their meeting, if not for the fact that Elias can't forget this handsome, though very young looking man. That's why he decides to apologize and get to know the object of his interest better.
And just like that it turns out that one trash can change person's whole life.
And just like that it turns out that one trash can change person's whole life.
"Elias" is a novel written by Amy Aislin, which was published a few years ago as "Picture Winter", and the first work by this author I've read. I have to admit that one of the reasons I decided to give this book a try was the horoscope motif used in this book. When I was a teenager this theme was one of my greatest weaknesses, so I was curious how the author approached this subject. Unfortunately, although creative it wasn't as interesting as I thought it would be. Nevertheless, it was combined with the motif of an accidental encounter, which transformed into a little "love chase". And in my case this thread turned out to be exactly what I was looking for, as I fell in love with it really quickly. The fact that Elias doesn't rely on fate, but actively and consciously tries to pick up a stranger, whom he met by accident and whom he began to like, is simply amazing. This motif has a completely different vibe than most MM romances, because to a large extent it is built on the character's efforts, and not only on the accidental meetings. This is really a huge plus of this novel.
Another element of the plot, which we often see in romances and which in "Elias" was presented in a slightly different and that's why really good way is an instant love. Usually, I'm not a fan of this kind of fast feelings, as the characters don't have time to get to know each other and realistically assess the other person. After all, argument which can awaken a beast in one of the partners is the best way to get to know someone. So why I have no objections concerning the instant love in this novel? Well, Elias and Ty are well aware that their feelings develop extremely quickly and they do mention this fact. However, I think it's most important that they don't have any problem with the pace of their relationship because, as they say although using different words, these are their feelings, so it's up to them what they do. But that's not all. This relationship pace was not imposed on them by others, by some kind of society rule. Elias and Ty are who they are and in their case they are together on their own terms.
I think the great advantage of "Elias" is also the fact that the author in a really great way illustrated the connection and at the same time the lack of it between education and work. Usually, we assume that physical work means low education, while office or managerial work is associated with solid, higher education. To some extent, Amy Aislin proves that this view is a mistake. What's more, using Ty as an example she shows us that regardless of the opinion of others it depends on us at what point we start our journey to make the dreams come true. Moreover, she also uses Elias to emphasize that it is really important to applying for a job that we would really like to do, because it gives us the greatest contentment and satisfaction. In short, I really liked the author's approach to the subject of work.
To sum up, "Elias" is a great novel without any overly dramatic plot twists, but I guarantee that from the beginning to the end we read this book with undying interest. The author made sure that regardless of the characters' relationship ups or downs, we want to constantly enjoy this story's positive energy. That's why I really recommend you this novel.
Headcanon: Every two weeks, Elias takes Ty to a different cafe to finally find the one where they serve the best hot chocolate.
Fanfiction idea: Elias and Ty had a fight over a small thing and now they want to settle the argument by choosing which of them can come up with a better Earth Day date idea.
AU idea: Future!AU, Ty is an android made by a genius from the thrown away waste from humanoid robots broken during crash tests in a large corporation in which Elias is one of the managers. To prove to the man that they waste tons of good material, the constructor gives him Ty and lets him see for himself that he's right.
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