Series: -
Volume: 1/1Publisher: Pride Publishing
Genre/s: Paranormal M/M Romance
Length: 80 000 words
Read in: English
Review copy format: epub
After several months of absence, Lance A. Lotte returns to Avalon, KY. Unfortunately, coming back home means meeting with the love of his life, from which he really wanted to escape. After all, a relationship between him and Arthur Pendragon would be a huge, catastrophic mistake. Even old legends tell stories about it. Unfortunately, feelings seem stronger than common sense, especially when fate and magick begin to affect Lance's life and that of people around him more and more violently. Apparently, it's time to rewrite the legend of King Arthur and Lance plays a great part in it.
"Avalon's Last Knight" is the first novel by Jackson C. Garton I've read and I admit that I was a bit surprised by all the things the author prepared for us in this story, as I simply didn't expect many of them. But first things first. Let's start with the fact that the novel is set in a universe built on the foundation of our world, and thus it corresponds to our everyday life, but is enriched by paranormal motif, vivid magic that fills the most important characters of this story. And into this magical world so similar to ours the author in a very interesting way weaves the legend of King Arthur. However, it is really important that the story is not the exact representation of the legend that we all know really well. Jackson C. Garton makes some changes, which result mainly from the fact that it is the legend that is spread over the "normal" world, not the other way around. And that's the reason why the story is so interesting, surprising and in many respects unique.
However, I have to admit that in "Avalon's Last Knight" the action develops quite slowly. At first glance, it may seem that the novel would focus mainly on action, as we are dealing with the book about magic and fairly dynamic legend. However, it turns out that the author puts great emphasis on emotions, feelings, thoughts of our main character, Lance. And believe me, Lance really thinks a lot because he is one of those people who are trying to argue with their heart by taking the side of their mind. What's more, our character sometimes thinks for others, because while some people close to him just go with the flow, he finds time to somehow reprimand them, steer them on the "right" paths. I admit that thanks to all this we have a really great insight into Lance's psyche. Even more so that we can also see which topics he tries to push away, about which he doesn't want to think. This is very important because thanks to all this, the narrative in this novel in a great way reflects the actual actions of the human mind, which is not an open book, but a maze. Unfortunately, it also slows down the action.
At last we reach the topic that I believe is the most important, so I really want to mention it – the transgender characters. "Avalon's Last Knight" is the first novel I've read in which the transgender person is the leading character. As we all know such characters rarely appear in the literature, and even when we find the book, they are either side characters or form the background of the main story. So how great was my surprise when reading "Avalon's Last Knight" I learned that this novel is different than those I've read so far. When I started reading this book I had no idea that in this story I would find the transgender characters and that it raises some problems these people struggle with. Nevertheless, in my opinion in this case it is extremely important that "Avalon's Last Knight" is not simply a contemporary romance or just a contemporary novel, but a paranormal story, as in my ranking such novels are extremely essential, because in them some ordinary people become unique and are often the heroes.
Finally, I would like to add that "Avalon's Last Knight" is one of the novels in which among the main characters we see a large variety of skin colors and cultural origins. It's a great thing and I liked it very much. However, I admit that at first I didn't feel comfortable with an "ignorant white person" issue that we see at the beginning of the novel. My first thought was: sorry, I'm white, but in my Slavic veins also flows the old magic of my ancestors! By the same token, "Avalon's Last Knight", with its mix of characters' roots, made me realize what I miss not only in literature but also in everyday life.
To sum up, "Avalon's Last Knight" is really a novel worth reading, which offers us not only an interesting story and rare characters, but which also makes us aware of what we really lack in literature. And it means that every person reading this book can see some different values and other important topics that have been raised in this novel.
Headcanon: Every morning, Lance and Arthur list three things that they love the most in each other.
Fanfiction idea: Lance and Arthur ask friends to write down the perfect date ideas. Then Lance draws one idea he and Arthur are going to execute, so now they must go to the cinema to watch the worst movie that is screened at the moment.
AU idea: Pirates!AU
Here's some more about:
Book Title: Avalon’s Last Knight
Author: Jackson C. Garton
Cover Artist: Louisa Maggio
Release Date: April 28, 2020
Trope/s: Friends to lovers
Themes: Forgiveness, loyalty, enduring love
Heat Rating: 4 flames
It is a standalone story.
Lance has loved Arthur for nearly a thousand years but has never had the courage to act on it—‘til now.
After being away at college for a year, Lance Lotte returns to Avalon, Kentucky for the summer. Due to self-imposed isolation, he hasn’t seen anyone in months, but all that changes when Arthur–his closest friend, and the love of his life–shows up to his new job with a big toothy grin. The last time Lance saw Arthur, the two had not parted on the best of terms–with Arthur's father finding them asleep on his bed, and physically wrenching Lance away from Arthur. The incident put a strain on their relationship, and convinced Lance that they will never be allowed to be together.
But then Arthur sends Lance a text one night, telling him that he’s in love with him–a text Lance rereads at least a hundred times, but isn’t brave enough to mention when they’re alone. Lance has fought his attraction to Arthur for the past five years because as a budding brujo, he believes in magick, destiny, and fate–that everything happens for a reason–that nothing good will come of an Arthur Pendragon-Lance A. Lotte pairing.
With the help of his sister, Gwen Lotte, Arthur, and two twins visiting their uncle for the summer, Mordy and Morgan Lafayette, Lance learns the true meaning of friendship, and just how far he will go to save the people he loves.
But then Arthur sends Lance a text one night, telling him that he’s in love with him–a text Lance rereads at least a hundred times, but isn’t brave enough to mention when they’re alone. Lance has fought his attraction to Arthur for the past five years because as a budding brujo, he believes in magick, destiny, and fate–that everything happens for a reason–that nothing good will come of an Arthur Pendragon-Lance A. Lotte pairing.
With the help of his sister, Gwen Lotte, Arthur, and two twins visiting their uncle for the summer, Mordy and Morgan Lafayette, Lance learns the true meaning of friendship, and just how far he will go to save the people he loves.

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Arthur laces up his other boot and says, “I asked if you were seeing anyone at the moment.”
The question slithers its way up my neck and squeezes at my throat, cutting off my oxygen. Arthur has a way of doing this to me, and I know by the way he asked the question that it’s been on his mind for some time now.
“I don’t really have time to do much other than study, you know?” I say, taking a seat on the black futon in the living room. “I’m kind of boring.”
Arthur straightens his back and unbuttons his pants, then tucks in his shirt. “Well,” he replies, “I don’t plan on doing anything this summer other than working, and trying to spend as much time with you as I can. How does that sound?”
My phone buzzes and I pull it out of my pocket. Gwen has finally responded, but instead of an apology, she’s texted a picture of two men dressed in black leather, kissing. I roll my eyes and shove the phone back into my pocket. Ass. When I raise my head, I see Arthur staring at me.
“What?” I ask, hoping that he didn’t see Gwen’s text. “What is it?”
He sits down beside me on the futon and fixes my shirt collar.
“I’m just waitin’ for you to ask me if I’m seeing anyone,” he says, not meeting my eyes.
Arthur hasn’t always been so forward, but in the year that I’ve been away, he’s become a proper man. Working a full-time job, living by himself, driving his own car and paying all of his bills—a truly admirable thing for a man who’s not quite nineteen years old. I don’t know how he does it.
I swallow and look down at the relatively fresh tattoos on my knuckles. They’re not peeling anymore, but they have started itching, and I silently chide myself for not keeping lotion in my bag. The moon on my thumb is the worst offender.
“Are you seeing anyone?” My question is barely audible.
“Nope,” he says, buttoning and unbuttoning my collar. “I’m as single as it gets.”
“That’s not what your Instagram suggests,” I say, catching his hands mid-buttoning. Our eyes finally meet. “Looks like you have a different girl every week.”
Arthur bites his bottom lip and wags his head. “You know everything posted on the Internet ain’t real life. And besides, I wouldn’t lie to ya.”
Arthur has asked me out twice now, and both times I have turned him down because I’m not ready for a relationship. Or rather, I’m not ready to have my heart broken by this man. It’s one of the reasons why I didn’t come home this past year. Actually, he’s the main reason, if I’m being completely honest with myself.
The moment I first laid eyes on Arthur, I knew he would be my undoing. I can’t resist a man with blond hair and brown eyes—they make for a deadly concoction when combined.
About the Author
Equal parts dandy and disaster, Jackson C. Garton is a writer and LGBTQ activist hailing from the hills of Appalachia. He currently resides in Central Kentucky with his husband, child, and four cats. When Jackson isn't reading or writing, you can find him examining people's natal charts, researching queer history, planning his next ghost hunt, or milling about the supernatural section of his local bookstore.
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