Series: -
Volume: 1/1Publisher: A E Ryecart
Genre/s: Contemporary gay romance, Christmas story
Length: 37 200 words
Read in: English
Review copy format: epub

Jack De Lacy had loved Christmas for years, as well as everything associated with this season – mood, decorations, food, cultural events. However, this year he would like winter holidays to end before they even started. And all because, although several months have passed since he broke up with his longtime boyfriend, Jack still didn't accept the fact that his lover cheated on him with his best friend. At that time, instead of once, he was stabbed in the back twice.
And so, Jack is not in his best mood when, on a cold night that promises heavy snowfall, he returns home after the company's Christmas party and he finds a young, homeless boy on the threshold. Not being able to control his compassion and willingness to help, Jack invites Rory, as that's the boy's name, home for a cup of hot tea, a sandwich, and ultimately also a warm bath. However, his help offer quickly begins to grow because the young man can't throw the boy out back on the cold and snow-covered street. All the more so because Rory turns out to be not only attractive but also innocent and gentle and Jack can't help it as he is drawn to him more and more.
And so, Jack is not in his best mood when, on a cold night that promises heavy snowfall, he returns home after the company's Christmas party and he finds a young, homeless boy on the threshold. Not being able to control his compassion and willingness to help, Jack invites Rory, as that's the boy's name, home for a cup of hot tea, a sandwich, and ultimately also a warm bath. However, his help offer quickly begins to grow because the young man can't throw the boy out back on the cold and snow-covered street. All the more so because Rory turns out to be not only attractive but also innocent and gentle and Jack can't help it as he is drawn to him more and more.
"A Kiss Before Christmas" is a Christmas-related novel and although I know that I won't discover anything new or surprising on this matter, I would like to focus on it at the beginning of this review. That's because probably the first question that comes to mind is: how Christmassy is this Christmas story? And the answer is: Very. And it's not just about the action taking place during the Christmas season or snow, although there is plenty of it here. "A Kiss Before Christmas" is a novel that is actually overflowing with Christmas spirit, as there are good deeds done out of the goodness of one's heart and large and small miracles. I think it's best seen at the beginning of this story, when Jack takes in a homeless boy who probably would have frozen to death, if the man hadn't let him stay under his roof. And so, Jack does something every person being in his shoes should do, because that's what the good deeds are about during the holiday season, right? Nevertheless, the reality is not so beautiful because, let's face it, hardly anyone would take in a homeless person whom they see for the first time. We can therefore say that Jack is naive and does something foolish and it makes us see clearly that we are dealing with a work of fiction because no one in their right mind would do something like that in real life. But is it really true? As far as I am concerned, what Jack does in this case is very to my liking as I would probably do the same, if I was in a similar situation. Christmas is not only about snow, Christmas tree, gifts, carols. It's also about good deeds and we see in "A Kiss Before Christmas."
It is worth noticing that A E Ryecart's novel is not only Christmassy but also incredibly sweet, which makes it just perfect – perfect as a novel and perfect to read during those long, winter evenings which are coming. The characters are so innocent, full of warmth, love and sweetness, that we immediately want fortune to smile on them and we want them to be happy. Jack and Rory in a natural and unforced way switch on our protectiveness and almost maternal instinct. What's more, the events that take place here are characterized by a similar sweetness, although they are often flavored with a rather large amount of bitterness that pierces our hearts. For this reason, the reader takes the main characters' side every time. All this together makes reading "A Kiss Before Christmas" incredibly pleasurable, although I must admit that the author first reaches out for her whip of bitterness, in order to beat us a little with it, and only then she takes care of our wounds and rubs sweet honey into them.
In the previous paragraph, I mentioned the bitterness and this is the topic I would like to develop a bit. The author focuses largely on the relationships that didn't work out and which meant everything to the protagonists before the breakup. This concept was presented in such a way that it suits the holiday atmosphere of the novel as it introduces the element of the new beginning and Christmas "miracle" into the story. The characters fall down as the weight of breaking up with their longtime partners is too much to handle and when it seems that they won't be able to get up, someone lends a helping hand, helps them to get back up. And suddenly it turns out that if it hadn't been for that fall, they would probably never have been able to see what they had been missing before and maybe they would have never even met each other. And that's the Christmas miracle I've mentioned.
At the end I have to admit that in "A Kiss Before Christmas" I also found an element of the plot that surprised me. I didn't expect to find a fake boyfriend motif in this novel. I won't deny that as the events unfolded, this theme came to mind several times, but when I was about to start reading this story, I didn't expect it at all. Nevertheless, this motif turned out to be an undoubted advantage as it enriches A E Ryecart's story with a few very interesting incidents. What's more, it gave us the opportunity to take a closer look at the characters' thoughts and feelings, especially Rory's. So I think that the author planned it really well, although I regret that she didn't give this motive a chance to really spread its wings.
In summary, "A Kiss Before Christmas" is undoubtedly a pleasant love story that warms readers' hearts. It's like a warm blanket and hot tea with honey, lemon and a bit of ginger. Charming characters, Christmas atmosphere and goodness for which the fate pays in the currency of love. I honestly recommend it!
Headcanon: When Jack and Rory argue, it's always Rory who wins, because Jack gives up every time.
Fanfiction idea: Adrian, Rory's ex-boyfriend, comes back and tries to get him back. He accidentally meets Sam and together they try to separate Jack and Rory.
AU idea: Shapeshifter!AU, Rory is an owner of a small, cozy restaurant. One evening at the doorstep he finds a wounded cat and decides to take care of him. After a while, it turns out that the cat has the ability to turn into human and is in fact the heir of a great fortune, who went missing months ago.
Here's some more about:

Book Title: A Kiss Before Christmas
Author: A E Ryecart
Cover Artist: Tammy Clark
Heat Rating: 2 flames
Release Date: 15th November 2018
It is a standalone book.

Christmas is looming and Jack De Lacy needs a solution to one hell of a fix.
Dumped by his boyfriend in favour of his best friend, Jack’s been busy bragging about the hot new man in his life.
A hot new man who doesn’t exist.
With an important function to attend where he’ll come face-to-face with his ex, Jack knows he’ll be a laughing stock when his boasts are exposed as nothing more than wishful thinking. He’s desperate but time, like his options, is running out.
Rory Kincaid is scared he won’t last another night sleeping rough on London’s frozen, snowbound streets. With all the homeless shelters full, Rory seeks refuge in the first empty doorway he stumbles across.
Finding Rory shivering in the sub-zero temperatures, Jack can no more send him away than kick a puppy out into the cold. A shower, shave and hot drink later, and the grubby street kid is transformed into a beautiful young man.
As the attraction between them grows, so does a plan that will get Jack out of the mess he’s in and give Rory a warm, safe home for Christmas. Sweet and adorable, Rory will make a great fake boyfriend for the holidays – the problem is, neither Jack nor Rory is sure where the make believe ends and the truth begins.
Warning: this 37k novella contains a camp Christmas tree, a drag queen Christmas fairy called Doris, way too many jugs of eggnog, a closet posh boy, and the sweetest Kiss Before Christmas ever.
Dumped by his boyfriend in favour of his best friend, Jack’s been busy bragging about the hot new man in his life.
A hot new man who doesn’t exist.
With an important function to attend where he’ll come face-to-face with his ex, Jack knows he’ll be a laughing stock when his boasts are exposed as nothing more than wishful thinking. He’s desperate but time, like his options, is running out.
Rory Kincaid is scared he won’t last another night sleeping rough on London’s frozen, snowbound streets. With all the homeless shelters full, Rory seeks refuge in the first empty doorway he stumbles across.
Finding Rory shivering in the sub-zero temperatures, Jack can no more send him away than kick a puppy out into the cold. A shower, shave and hot drink later, and the grubby street kid is transformed into a beautiful young man.
As the attraction between them grows, so does a plan that will get Jack out of the mess he’s in and give Rory a warm, safe home for Christmas. Sweet and adorable, Rory will make a great fake boyfriend for the holidays – the problem is, neither Jack nor Rory is sure where the make believe ends and the truth begins.
Warning: this 37k novella contains a camp Christmas tree, a drag queen Christmas fairy called Doris, way too many jugs of eggnog, a closet posh boy, and the sweetest Kiss Before Christmas ever.

Jack swung around. “Wait.”
The kid stopped and looked back over his shoulder, his body braced against the buffeting snow.
What am I doing?It was madness, but the feeling that he was kicking a puppy or leaving a kitten in a bag to die, weighed on Jack.
“You can come upstairs and have a have a cup of tea while you wait out the worst of the weather.” What the hell have I just done?
The kid shifted his weight from one already soaked foot to the other. “No, but thanks. I've caused you enough bother already. And you gave me some money – thank you. I'll go—”
“I might be able to run to a sandwich as well.” What next? A bed for the night?
“I don't know. . .”
“Well, make your mind up, and do it now. I'm not standing out here freezing my bollocks off for much longer. A cup of tea and a sandwich is the offer, and then you're on your way. Take it or leave it.”
Jack turned and unlocked the door, the warmth from the hallway a welcome caress against his cold skin. It had been a rash offer but a good one on a night like this. Well, the kid had turned it down, so he'd have to take his chances on the streets.
“Yes. Please. If you're sure?”
Jack looked over his shoulder. The wind had picked up, and huge snowflakes swirled around. Enough snow had already fallen to cover the black-and-white-tiled path, and it wouldn't be long before there was a whole lot more. Jack jerked his head, and the boy retraced his steps, following Jack inside and up the stairs.
“No offence, but you really smell.” The words tumbled from Jack’s mouth, his nose wrinkling as he closed the door to his top-floor flat. The kid had only just walked over the threshold, but he was already stinking the place out. In the cold, outdoor air, Jack hadn't smelled the tangy, ripe aroma but up close and in the warm. . . He sniffed and coughed as his throat closed up. Christ, it was horrible. He'd offered food and drink, but a shower was top of the list.
“Sorry, but I've run out of my usual cologne, so I've had to splash on Eau de Homeless.”
Jack froze, his arms half in, half out of his coat sleeves. He stared down at the stranger, the stinking, smelly stranger he’d let into his home. And what was the kid doing? Giving him lip. Which Jack knew he deserved. He carried on peeling off his coat and hung it on a hook on the wall. Yep, he’d deserved the comeback because he hadn’t been exactly tactful.
“Sorry. That was a bit – well, you know.” Jack glanced at the kid, but the brief flare of spirit had been doused, leaving him as cowering as he had been on the doorstep. “Look, I'll sort you out a towel and some clean clothes. I've got some old clothes I was going to take to the charity shop, but you might as well have them. I’ll get you a spare razor, too.” Old enough for dark scruff to shadow his skin, Jack thought, so maybe not such a kid after all. Jack turned away, then stopped. A vital piece of information had been omitted.
“I'm Jack, by the way. What's your name?”
About the Author
I love all kinds of MM romance and gay fiction, but I especially like contemporary stories. Born and raised in London, the city is part of my DNA so I like to set many of my stories in and around present-day London, providing the perfect, metropolitan backdrop to the main action. I write at home, in the gym, in cafés - in fact any place I can find a good coffee!
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