Series: Obsessed
Volume: 2/4Publisher: Self-Published
Genre/s: Gay Erotica, Gay Erotic Romance
Length: 24 000 words
Read in: English
Review copy format: epub

After an extremely passionate night with Sebastian, Meik can't get away from his constant thoughts about the young, attractive musician. The boy turned out to be a drug, one taste of which is enough to become addicted. Following the advice of his assistant, disgusted by his behavior, Meik decides to take Sebastian in, in exchange for having him at his beck and call as long as the boy lives under his roof. It turns out, however, that just like taking drugs, also being with Sebastian entails unwanted visions that can't be controlled. The past, stocked somewhere at the very bottom of consciousness, returns to haunt Meik like some ghost from "A Christmas Carol".
After a hot and focused primarily on the first sexual intercourse between the two protagonists first part of "Meik&Sebastian – Obsessed", the second installment in the series begins to slowly move from pure erotica to romance. We see it even at the beginning of this short story, when it all gets really sweet. At that moment we start to perceive Meik not only as "a walking unsatisfied desire", but also a man who has a heart and is able to care of others. And although the man claims that sex is the main reason for his efforts, and he obviously believes it to be true, in fact he presents himself to us from a different angle than before. I must admit that while in the first part I fell in love with the purely erotic side of the story presented by Quin&Perin, in the second installment it doesn't bother me at all that slowly something seems to change between the characters. To be honest, that's exactly what I was expecting from this story as it progresses and I'm glad I got what I wanted. Anyway, the mentioned sweetness of the beginning really captivated me and it made smile in a way that I haven't smiled before.
Reviewing this part of Meik and Sebastian's story, it is an unquestionable necessity to mention the flashbacks referring to Meik's past that appear here. I admit that they were a surprise for me, as I did not expect to have an insight into the man's past. Nevertheless, I'm glad that the authors allow us to get to know this character better, as well as show us how he became the person he is, because we immediately start to guess what happened to Meik in the past and what made him decide to turn his heart into ice. What's more, it is thanks to the flashbacks that we begin to notice how complex this character is and we see the depth of his creation. However, that's not all, as another function of the insight into this man's past seems to be the building of a contrast between what he was like in the past – loving, affectionate, full of warmth – and what he is like now – dominant, sometimes almost brutal. And so everything we owe to the flashbacks is somehow related and thanks to them "Meik&Sebastian – Obsessed" draws the readers even more into this story, which is more and more interesting with every page.
Furthermore, in this part of the series we begin to see the obsession mentioned in the title of this series. If before Meik just seemed sexually interested in Sebastian, then now he really can't stop thinking about the young musician. Nevertheless, his fixation on the boy is based not only on his insistent thoughts, as it has been so far, and the enthusiastic reactions of his body every time he remembers their first sexual adventure. The overwhelming desire to have the boy just for himself and to mark and claim him as belonging only to Meik, comes to the fore. However, there are more ways in which the man's obsession manifests as Sebastian is more than just "a toy". He is "a toy" with free will, and that means he can disappear from Meik's life at any moment. No wonder that to some extent the man tries to deprive him of that free will. Meik is like a selfish child who expects total obedience from his dog because he wants to brag about it to his peers, but he becomes jealous very easily if the dog plays with others.
In summary, the second installment of "Meik&Sebastian – Obsessed" in some respects may undoubtedly be considered even better than the previous one. The authors give this story a psychological and emotional depth, which makes it extremely interesting. What's more, they showed their main character as someone extremely fascinating and complicated, which undoubtedly captivate the reader. In short, the story was very good and now it is even better!
Headcanon: All arguments between Meik and Sebastian are so loud and dramatic that all the neighbors hear them, and their make ups are so wild and so hot that the neighbors know about them too.
Fanfiction idea: Meik buys equipment for BDSM and uses it on Sebastian, according to the session plan from the internet. The next session he plans all by himself.
AU idea: Meik is a serial rapist and murderer who chooses Sebastian to be his next victim. However, Sebastian turns out not to behave like a normal victim, which evokes some feelings in Meik, existence of which he have never suspected.
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