Series: -
Volume: 1/1Publisher: Independently Published
Genre/s: Paranormal Gay Romance
Length: 34 000 words
Read in: English
Review copy format: epub
Justin has been bitten by a werewolf over two centuries ago and since then his life has been dominated by travels around the world and search, as he is looking for the man who turned him, redemption for his sins and death which would end his life of the beast. This time his goal seems to be closer than ever. His creator is somewhere in Japan, while the newly-met, attractive hunter, Vincent, promises to kill Justin if he fails to become human again. Unfortunately, neither of them predicted that their hearts had completely different plans for them.
"Spell of the Werewolf" is a novel written by J.R. Loveless, thanks to which we enter an alternative reality in which the life of an average person is in constant danger because of numerous predators who hide in the shadows. In the world the author created, there are not only the title werewolves, but also shifters, vampires and warlocks. The very fact of these creatures exist is a huge advantage of the novel, but the author makes her universe even more interesting and expanded, because she enriches it with hunters, hybrids, and above all, stories, lore and legends that concern those creatures, or at least one group of them. Thanks to all this the "Spell of the Werewolf" universe is multidimensional, interesting and worth exploring, even if the reader has no direct contact with many of the races living in the world of this novel. I have to admit that J.R. Loveless really impressed me. Her novel is relatively short, yet she managed to show us her world in a truly fascinating way. The reader really wants to stay much longer in this universe.
Another great advantage of "Spell of the Werewolf", and at the same time the whole universe, is the way the werewolves are presented in this novel. Let's start with the fact that the author shows these beasts in a really detailed and multidimensional way, distinguishing them from ordinary shifters. It is worth mentioning that she remains faithful to all myths and facts known to us, such as, for example, the transformation caused by the full moon, which turns a normal person into a mindless murderer. However, this doesn't stop the author from introducing changes and improvements, making werewolves even more fascinating. What I think is equally important, is the fact that reading "Spell of the Werewolf" we learn a lot about werewolves' behavior, such as their lonely life outside an organized pack. The author outlines this image by reveling some disturbing, unnatural behaviors that make Justin suspicious. The fact that werewolves can change, which we see reading this novel, is really amazing and incredibly interesting.
As for the characters, they are also remarkable and definitely worth our attention. First of all, creating them, the author does not focus primarily on their appearance, work or the past, but clearly emphasizes their worldviews, the importance of distinguishing good from evil and right behavior. To some extent, this is their obsession, something that we can see as their characteristic. I find it equally interesting that Justin and Vincent are doing the same thing, they have a similar goal, and yet this is what makes them enemies at the beginning. I really liked how the author showed the dynamics of their relationship based on their views about werewolves and what they know about each other. Thus, we immediately see that by creating Justin and Vincent J.R. Loveless not only wanted to make some interesting characters, but also give their feelings and dilemmas depth and seriousness.
In conclusion, "Spell of the Werewolf" is a pretty good novel set in a truly fantastic universe that we'd like to return to in the future. It is also a story about regret, repentance, seeking redemption, re-evaluation of one's views and love, not only physical, but also unfulfilled and ready to fight for the happiness of this one, most important person.
Headcanon: During their mission, Vincent and Justin meet other young hybrids and decide to build a special center for them.
Fanfiction idea: Justin and Vincent take turns planning their dates, then decide which were the best and the worst ones. Most of them are interrupted when they meet werewolves and other creatures that threaten people and must hunt them. During one of these fateful dates they meet a teenage hybrid whom they decide to help.
AU idea: Crime story!AU, Vincent is a police detective and Justin is a private investigator. They work together on a murder case.
Here's some more about:
Book Title: Spell of the Werewolf
Author: J.R. Loveless
Cover Artist: Doelle Designs
Release Date: May 29, 2020
Trope/s: Enemies to Lovers
Themes: Self-forgiveness, redemption, learning to accept the things you can’t change.
Heat Rating: 3 flames
It is a standalone story.
Moonrise will never be the same.
A werewolf with a death wish bargains with a hunter for salvation.
Justin has spent several lifetimes atoning for the violent nature of his curse. A mindless angry beast several nights a month, he carries a burden of blood for past sins. Tired and lonely, he’s seeking an end to his torment.
Vincent bears the curse, though only by half. A hybrid, he hunts those of his brethren who let their monsters take over. And he’s hell bent on destroying them all, until he's forced to deal with one who’s begging for peace. Except deliverance wears many guises.
Their desire for redemption erupts in a fiery passion drawing them closer together.
Justin has spent several lifetimes atoning for the violent nature of his curse. A mindless angry beast several nights a month, he carries a burden of blood for past sins. Tired and lonely, he’s seeking an end to his torment.
Vincent bears the curse, though only by half. A hybrid, he hunts those of his brethren who let their monsters take over. And he’s hell bent on destroying them all, until he's forced to deal with one who’s begging for peace. Except deliverance wears many guises.
Their desire for redemption erupts in a fiery passion drawing them closer together.

“Because you are so closed-minded you can’t see anything but what you want to see. Justin is a good person. He didn’t ask to be what he is. We can still find the one who bit him!”
Vincent laughed, a clear cynical sound behind it. “If he can find the one who made him. The number of werewolves grows every day. It’ll be impossible. So, no. He has to die!”
Justin had heard enough. He stepped forward and called, “Vincent.”
Vincent whipped his head around and smiled, harsh and bitter. “So you decided to show. This human means that much to you?”
“Let her go,” Justin snarled, ignoring Vincent’s question. “Then we can fight.”
“I’ll let her go… once you’re dead.”
Justin pulled the sword from his back and moved into the light shining from the fountain. “Let’s do it then.”
“Ah, so the little boy went and got himself a big knife, did he? Do you even know how to use it?” Vincent taunted him.
He did an expert twist of his wrist, sending the blade of the sword spinning around him. Vincent’s eyes narrowed just before he attacked. Their blades clashed against one another as they fought; their movements almost an elegant dance between them. “So you’ve had some training, kid? It’s not enough to save your ass.”
Vincent thrust at him, but Justin cut up with his sword and sent Vincent’s flying into the air. The blade clattered against the ground, landing a few feet from them. Before Justin could strike at him again, Vincent leapt backward, grabbed his sword, and flipped, landing several yards away from Justin. Justin knew it wasn’t going to be an easy fight.
Circling one another, their swords glinted in the moonlight. Justin narrowed his eyes while he waited for Vincent to make the first move. Too impatient to wait for Justin to make his move, Vincent went to strike once more. Justin blocked the blow and attempted a return hit, but Vincent was too fast, crashing his sword into Justin’s. Swords crossed at the blade, Justin thrust upward and managed to nick Vincent’s cheek. Vincent cursed, jumped backward, and touched the small cut. His fingers were dark with a smear of blood when he dropped his hand from his cheek. Justin smiled mockingly at him. “Aw. Did I cut you?”
Vincent curled his lip into a snarl and rushed toward Justin with his sword raised. The fight continued for some time, and eventually they stood facing one another, panting for breath. Justin could see Vincent’s anger reflecting outward from bright violet eyes. He’d never met another person with eyes the shade of amethyst. If he were honest with himself, Vincent would have caught his attention many years ago. The broad shoulders, gorgeous white hair, high cheekbones, and obvious strength rang all of Justin’s bells. Of course, the idea of Vincent ever having an interest in him caused Justin to snort.
The sound set off the next chain of events, flaming Vincent’s rage even higher, or so Justin figured when Vincent struck harder than before. They circled each other. Vincent took the next chance to slice at Justin, but Justin grabbed his wrist and wrenched him forward and over his shoulder, sending Vincent’s sword across the ground to Kara’s feet with a clatter of metal on the cement. Justin immediately pinned Vincent underneath him. Breathing heavily, Justin sat there atop Vincent for several seconds without a word, trying to catch his breath.
“I don’t want to kill you,” Justin rasped.
Vincent looked up at him in skepticism. “Why?” Vincent demanded.
Justin retained eye contact with him. “Because I don’t like hurting someone who hates those monsters just as much as I do.”
Vincent seemed to contemplate Justin’s words, and then something seemed to click inside Vincent. The fight left his body. Justin became aware of Vincent’s hard body against his, their suggestive position, and what it could have meant in another world. Flushing, Justin stood and held his hand out to Vincent, who studied him for several heartbeats before allowing Justin’s help up from the ground. Justin rushed to Kara’s side to untie her hands and massaged them to bring the feeling back into them.
“Don’t think this means I trust you, wolf,” Vincent growled as he retrieved his sword. “If you even so much as look at a human in the wrong way, I won’t hesitate to kill you.”
The sound of his sword bottoming out in its sheath punctuated his promise.
Kara glanced at him and snapped, “How do we know we can trust you?”
“You don’t.” Without another word, he strode off into the darkness.
About the Author
J.R. Loveless began her adventure in writing romance at the young age of twelve. Her foray into creating her own worlds and telling her characters’ life stories was triggered by her own love of reading. She currently resides in South Florida with her dog and two cats, volunteers for an animal rescue in her spare time, and works as a manager for a financial lending institute. Someday she hopes to begin writing as a full-time career and bringing more of her ideas to life.
Her journey into gay romance began in 2005 when she began posting her original fiction on a forum for feedback and readers’ pleasure. In 2010, a good friend urged her to submit to a publishing company, and the day she received the acceptance and contract was the best day of her life. Since then, she has been noted to be one of the most purchased audio books after Fifty Shades of Grey on, received best gay romantic fiction for Touch Me Gently in the 2011 TLA Gaybies, and even received an award for Chasing Seth in 2012.
J.R. adores her fans and loves hearing from them.
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