Series: Revolutionary Heart
Volume: 3.5/?Publisher: Janice Jarrell
Genre/s: Contemporary M/M Romance
Length: -
Read in: English
Review copy format: epub

Fifteen short stories that arouse various emotions in the readers, and among them those regarding Colin and Joshua's honeymoon, better and worse days of their daily life, problems they face, past and longing. What's more, David and Nate also have a story to tell, in the book and on the stage, while Trent and Jeff have to prove themselves as nannies for three toddlers. Isn't that exciting?
"Glory Days" is a collection of short stories written by Janice Jarrell, which complement the recently released third volume of "Revolutionary Heart" series. Undoubtedly, the big advantage of this part is the fact that the author devoted at least one story to each of the relationships she created, and thus the most important characters of the series. "Glory Days" isn't limited to Joshua and Colin, who beyond doubt occupy a unique place in Janice Jarrell's heart, but reaches for Nate and David, from whose history our adventure with "Revolutionary Heart" began, and for Trent and Jeff, who are still waiting for their own book. "Glory Days" allows us to take a look at the lives of all these six men, whom we already had the opportunity to fall madly in love with, and at the same time it whets our appetite for more.
Another huge advantage of "Glory Days" is the fact that the stories that create this volume in a really wonderfully way reflect the relations between the characters and their dynamic. It is even more remarkable, as the author managed to enclose in her short stories everything that we previously had the opportunity to see in longer novels. What's more, Janice Jarrell in a truly perfect and fully visible for the reader manner captures the personality of all her characters. Thus, on the one hand, she proves that she really feels them and on the other hand, she lets us see that they are one hundred percent real, authentic, as if they were writing their own stories, which the author only collected in one volume. Her characters don't lose their autonomy and personality even for a moment, as they are simply themselves in every situation.
I think it is also worth mentioning that each chapter of "Glory Days" revolves around a different leading topic. It drives the story, determines the situations that the characters have to face, forces them to act. To put it short, each story presented in this volume concerns a different problem, which is the heart of a given chapter and constitutes part of the characters' lives. So we can find here both more difficult and easier topics, those that arouse positive, negative, or more neutral emotions. Together with our characters we indulge in sweetness of love, joys of marriage, we fight the hardships of taking care of babies, we face the past. Yes, in "Glory Days" there is a place for all that and much more.
In this book I also liked the fact that in the stories presented there dominate optimism, positive emotions and even if the main theme is pain, anger, injustice, the author conducts her stories in such a way that ultimately our hearts are light and there's a smile on our faces. This is undoubtedly a great advantage, because we enjoy reading while focusing on getting to know the characters better, their mutual relations and dynamic. And even when the dark clouds hang over the characters, we can wait for the sun.
To sum up, "Glory Days" is a really well written and nice collection of short stories that wonderfully complete the whole series, and in particular its third volume, "Love’s Glory", and evokes the readers' interest in the following installments of the series, in all the characters and the continuation of their adventures.
Headcanon: When Jeff has the "man" flu, Trent complains a lot, but he looks after Jeff and fulfills his whims, even if sometimes they don't make sense.
Fanfiction idea: David and Nate invite Colin, Josh, Trent and Jeff to the amusement park. It quickly comes to light who is afraid of the Ferris wheel rides and who doesn't like the haunted houses.
AU idea: Hogwarts!AU, Trent is in Slytherin, Colin and Nate in Gryffindor, David and Josh in Ravenclaw, and Jeff is in Hufflepuff.
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